The Holy Mass Coloring & Activity Book
The Holy Mass Coloring & Activity Book
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SKU: 0502-160
The Holy Mass Coloring & Activity Book
Published by Pauline Kids
It is a fun and creative way for children to learn about what happens each Sunday at Mass. As they color the pages and read the brief explanations, they get a step-by-step introduction to the Eucharistic celebration. A unique feature of this coloring book is its emphasis on participation. How does the child respond to the Reading and the Gospel? By living the way, God teaches us. What are we inspired to do when we recite the Profession of Faith? We must be grateful to believe in God and share what we believe with others. What is important about the Sign of Peace? We want to forgive those who hurt us and love as Jesus loves us. Activities include matching items with their names and uses, word scrambles, and a maze.
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